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What is UDJC?

​The United Dressage And Jumping Club is an equestrian organization offering affordable, well-organized, and fair dressage and jumping shows modeled after European standards. It emphasizes proper development for riders and horses of all levels and ages through a structured qualification system for dressage classes, jumping classes judged for style and a revolutionary overall concept.

What's New? What's Different?

We make recognized shows affordable!

Because overpriced shows are a big part of why our sport loses so much talent every year!

UDJC offers a professional and well organized show experience for the price of schooling shows.

We host dressage and jumping classes at the same show!

Because dressage and jumping belong together. They are 95% identical!

Most UDJC shows host Dressage and Jumping on the same weekend and at the same location. We want our competitors, especially the young ones, to understand that dressage and jumping are largely “the same” and one of them does not function properly without the other one. We want to encourage jumper riders to also focus on dressage and even show in dressage classes since it’s such an important building block of their jumping career.

We are an independent Equestrian Organization!

Because we want to simplify competition, empower riders and put YOUR goals first!

UDJC is an independent equestrian organization offering riders and trainers a fresh alternative to existing structures. By operating independently, we can streamline competition rules, reduce bureaucracy, and focus on creating opportunities that truly meet the needs of our members. Our mission is to foster inclusivity, innovation, and excellence in dressage and jumping. With improved competition formats, new class formats, and strong sense of community, we're paving the way for a more dynamic and rider-focused equestrian future. Join us in shaping this exciting new chapter!

We offer combined divisions with dressage and jumping classes!

Because dual education creates champions and needs to be rewarded!

UDJC offers combined divisions where competitors ride specific dressage tests and jumping classes. The results from these classes are being added up to find the top three placed riders in the division.

We won’t leave you guessing when it comes to scores!

Because we provide feedback from the judge in every single judged class, no matter if it’s a dressage test, a style jumping class or a young horse class.

Every rider or horse being judged receives personalized feedback from the judges. This feedback is provided either in the form of a detailed score sheet or given verbally after their ride. The judges’ comments help riders understand their strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring a more informative and supportive learning experience.

We raise the quality of dressage classes through a qualification mode!

Just because you think you’re a third level rider does not mean it is the truth! Prove it!

UDJC offers three different benchmark dressage tests at each level. Benchmark tests are regular dressage tests written by the UDJC dressage board. In order to be permitted to ride a specific benchmark level, the rider has to qualify through successfully competing at lower level benchmark tests or ability classes of the same level to ensure the quality of each class.

We allow side reins in low level classes!

Because beginners need to focus on their positions and their lines. Not on their horses' heads!

Auxiliary reins are permitted in lower levels to make it so much easier on the beginners and lower the entry barrier for dressage shows. Beginner riders need to focus on their positions and lines, not the horse’s head.

We appoint judges who are actually proven experts in their disciplines!

… and not only that: we use at least two of them in each class!

All UDJC dressage tests and style jumping classes are being judged by at least two judges to improve the fairness of each class. In lower classes judges give decimal scores resulting from several collective marks instead of “marks per movement” which makes it more objective. This makes it is also easier for the judges to determine the ranking.

We start the lowest jumping classes at 40cm from the trot!

Because the earlier kids get show experience the better!

UDJC jumping classes start at 40cm with four cross rails from the trot combined with a little dressage part that is ridden in a small group. From there the riders evolve into a class with six 50cm verticals from the canter before they move on to riding small “regular courses” with 7-8 jumps. This way the entry barrier is low enough for even the youngest kids to compete and they do not have to wait until they are able to ride 70cm courses with 12 jumps to go to their first show.

We pay out prize money, even in low level classes! Yes, also in dressage!

Because even the little ones can use some extra cash for saddle pads 🙂

Speaking of money: UDJC will pay out prize money to the top-placed 6 riders (if there are 6 or more riders in the class) for each dressage and jumping class starting at Level E (Level Easy).

We are more competitive through having more riders per class!

How? Well, we won’t let you pick between 150 classes every day…!

Due to a smaller range of classes offered per day and more starters in each class accordingly, the level of showing at UDJC shows is more competitive. UDJC creates an environment where riders can compete under the same circumstances in front of the same judges other than trying to compare their scores to riders competing in a different time zone a thousand miles away under the eyes of a completely different judge.

We have an award ceremony after every single class!

Because the riders deserve it. No more: “go and pick up your ribbon from the show office!”

At every UDJC show an award ceremony including a lap of honor is held after each class. The 3 top placed competitors attend with their horses while the additionally placed competitors attend by foot.

We offer a real “path” for our U21 riders!

Because it’s boring for kids and teens to always go to the same places, ride the same things and lack a clear goal. No, moving up a level is not a real goal…!

UDJC offers different classes for specific age groups as well as a squad system that includes squads for different age groups based on FEI standards to create a real path for U21 riders. Instead of simply moving up levels, UDJC offers a much wider and more detailed environment which makes it easier for younger riders not only to create but also reach goals and keep the level of motivation up.

We will be on time!

Because we actually follow a time schedule so you don’t have to guess when you’re going to compete anymore!

We re-invented dressage through a brand new concept!


Ability classes are a hybrid of a level specific equitation part and a small test part. Free part: 3-4 riders perform the free part at the same time. The focus of ability classes is on the ability of the rider and not the quality of the horse. While rhythm, suppleness, contact, lightness, straightness, elasticity etc are being judged, the quality of gaits and quality of impulsion are not being judged. All riders ride freely in the arena and perform movements that are being called out loud by the judge for about 12-15 minutes. The movements and commands are level-specific. Riders must perform the different movements as commanded by the judge relatively fluidly but they can still take some time to prepare the movement. The free part is not as “strict” as a regular dressage test when it comes to timing and preparation of each movement. Even quick walk breaks are permitted. After the free part the judge talks to each participant about their performance and gives each rider tips and advice for their upcoming benchmark part. Benchmark part: Each rider individually performs a small, level specific dressage test while the other competitors wait for their turn. The test is shorter than a regular benchmark test and contains only a small number of level specific movements. The score consists of marks from the free part and marks from the test part. IMPORTANT: Riders do not need qualifying scores to enter ability classes. Scores from ability classes can be used to qualify for benchmark tests.

We use the 20*40 dressage arena for low level classes!

Because beginners are “lost” in 20*60 and it also needs to be a goal to compete in the big arena at some point!

UDJC classes up to Level L are ridden in the small dressage arena. Beginners are oftentimes “lost” in the big arena. Showing in the big arena also needs to be a special achievement beginners have to work towards for several years.

Everything under 90cm is being judged (Style classes)!

Because 70cm classes with 12 jumps against the clock should not exist!
Remember: “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast!”

All UDJC jumping classes up to A* Level (80-85cm) are judged as “Style Classes”: Judges evaluate the rider’s seat, the two point position, the correctness of lines, the straightness before, over and after the jump, the harmony between horse and rider, and the rider’s ability to maintain a steady tempo and relaxed posture between and over the jumps. Beginners have to learn how to ride and jump correctly and with a nice position and rhythm before they should be allowed to ride against the clock. Riders receive a decimal score after their ride.

We offer many different types of classes, including a variety of “fun-classes”! 

Because the same old stuff gets boring after a while!

UDJC offers a wide range of jumping classes like Style, Against the clock, Joker, Time, Combined and Jump-Off. UDJC also regularly offers special jumping classes like Team Jumping, Jump ‘n Drive or Relay Jumping. These classes provide a lot of fun for competitors and spectators.

United Dressage and Jumping Club, LLC

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